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1 manolo 2013-08-28 12:02:07 [画像] [PC]
出典:『よくわかる健康心理学』、森和代他編、ミネルヴァ書房、8/20/2012、pp.102-103(IV-7. 薬物」)
1-1. 1. 薬物とは
1-2. 3. 脱法ドラッグ
12 manolo 2013-08-28 19:19:36 [PC]
4-5. The Drugs-Violence Link
Illegal drugs are associated with violence in three ways: (1) systemic, (2) economic-compulsive, and (3) pharmacological. Systemic violence is associated with “doing business” (the growing, processing, transporting, and selling of drugs) in the criminal drug culture. There is so much systemic violence because the drug business is tremendously lucrative for those involved in it, and there is much competition for a slice of that business. The United Nations estimates the annual worth of the international illicit drug trade to be $400 billion (cited in Davenport-Hines, 2002, p.11). (p.225)
As with any industry, the illicit drug industry consists of several levels of business between extracting the product from the ground selling it to the eventual customer. Cocaine and heroin begin as natural products in grown in fields, cocaine as the coca leaf and heroine as the poppy flower. According the U.S. department of the State (2005), the number of acres used for coca cultivation in 2004 in South America was 60,787, down from 552,763 in 2001. The huge reduction was accomplished mainly by aerial spraying of the coca crop with herbicides. On the down side, it was also reported that Afghanistan had 510,756 acres (798 square miles) devoted to cultivating poppies, up from a mere 4,164 acres under cultivation during the last full year (2001) of the Taliban regime. (p.225)
After the crop has been picked, the raw materials must be processed, packaged, and smuggled via various “pipelines” into the countries in which the customers for the product reside…Once it arrives at its destination, it is “cut” (mixed with various other substances) to increase its volume and then distributed to street-level outlets for sale to drug users. Profit is made along each step of the way. In 2000, for instance, a kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) of heroin cost an average of $2,720 in Pakistan but sold for an average of $129,380 on the streets in the United States, and a kilogram of coca base cost an average of $950 in Columbia in 1997 and sold for $25,000 in the United States.(pp.225-226)
13 manolo 2013-08-28 19:24:54 [PC]
4-8. Illegal Drug Marketing, From Grower to Market
Farmers plant and harvest poppy, coca, and marijuana crops.
Chemicals such as motor oil, sulfuric acid, kerosene, and insecticides are used to refine product.
Smugglers use planes, boats, trucks, and many other methods to get product to wholesaler.
Organized criminal groups cut product and distribute it to dealers.
Seller deals directly with consumer in crack houses or on street.(p.226)
14 manolo 2013-08-28 19:26:58 [PC]
Systemic violence and other criminal activity begins with the bribery and corruption of law enforcement officials and political figures, or their intimidation and assassination, in the countries where raw materials are grown and through which the processed product is transported. On the streets of the United States, systemic violence is closely linked with gang battles over control of territory (control of drug markets). Goldstein and his colleagues (1989) found that just over one half of a sample of 414 murders committed in New York in 1988 were drug related, with 90% of those drug-related crimes involving cocaine. (p.226)
*Systemic violence: Violence associated with aggressive pattern of interaction within the system of drug distribution and use. (p.274)
Economic-compulsive violence is violence associated with efforts to obtain money to finance the high cost of illicit drugs. The drugs most associated with this type of activity are heroin and cocaine because they are the drugs most likely to lead to addiction among their users and are the most expensive. Crimes committed to obtain drug money run the gamut from shoplifting, robbery, and prostitution, to trafficking in the very substance the addict craves. A study of newly incarcerated drug users found that 72% claimed that they committed their latest crime to obtain drug money. (p.226)
Pharmacological violence: is violence induced by the pharmacological properties of the drug itself. Violence induced by illicit drugs is rare compared with violence induced by alcohol, the legal drug. A criminal victimization survey found that less than 5% of victims of violent crimes perceived their assailants to be under the influence of illicit drugs versus 20% who perceived them to be under the influence of alcohol. (p.226)
15 manolo 2013-08-29 07:00:25 [PC]
4-12. What Causes Drug Abuse?
Sociological explanations of drug abuse mirror almost exactly the explanations for crime. Erich Goode illustrates the almost indistinguishable explanations offered for the causes of crime and drug abuse in his book Drugs in American Society (2005). In anomie terms, drug abuse is a retrieatist adaptation of those who have failed in both the legitimate and illegitimate worlds, and drugs dealing is an innovative adaptation. In social control terms, drug abusers lack social bonds; in self-control terms, drug abuse is hedonistic search for immediate pleasures; and in social learning terms, drug abuse reflects differential exposure to individuals and groups in which it is modeled and reinforced. Goode favors conflict theory most as an explanation. As the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and economic opportunities are shrinking for the uneducated and the unskilled, drug dealers have taken firm root among the increasingly demoralized, disorganized, and politically powerless “underclass”. He notes that most members of this class do not succumb to addiction, but enough do “to make the lives of majority unpredictable, insecure, and dangerous. Goode maintains that conflict theory applies "more or less to heacy chornic, compulsive use of heroin or crack". (pp.226-227)
4-13. Does Drug Abuse Cause Crime?
(The percentage of adult arrestees of the largest cities in the United States who tested positive for illicit drugs in 2007 through 2009) Clearly, these data show that illicit drug abuse is strongly associated with criminal behavior, but is the association a causal one? There are three possible explanations for the connection: (1) Drug use causes high rates of offending; (2) the high rates of offending cause drug use; and (3) there is no causal connection, i.e. certain individuals are predisposed to high levels of involvement in both drugs and crime. A large body of research indicates that drug abuse does not appear to initiate a criminal career, although it does increase the extent and seriousness of one. Drug abusers are not "innocents" driven into a criminal career by drugs, although this might occasionally be true. Rather, chronic drug abuse and criminality are part of a broader property if some individuals to engagge in a variety of deviant and antisocial behaviors. The reciprocal (feedback) nature of the drug-crime connection is explained by Menard et al. (2001) as follows:
Initiation of substance abuse is preceded by initiation of crime for most individuals (and therefore cannot be a cause of a crime). At a later stage1 of involvement, however, serious illicit drug use appears to contribute to continuity in serious crime, and serious crime contributes to continuity in serious illicit drug use.(pp.227-228)
16 manolo 2013-08-29 07:13:36 [PC]
It is clear that the use of illicit drug is very harmful to individuals, to their families, and to society. What is even clearer, however, is that the “War on Drugs,” just like the war on alcohol during prohibition, is the cause of more harm than it prevents. Most countries have abandoned their own wars on drugs today and reverted to harm-reduction policies (i.e., policies aimed solely at minimizing harm). The United States is among only a handful of countries that reject harm-reduction programs favored by agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Such programs involve syringe exchange programs, drug subustitution programs (such as methadone for heroine), and - most importantly - decriminalizing of drug usage. Yes, such practices do upset many people's sense of morality, but it does not seem to be the practical thing to do if our goal is to reduce the overall social harm of drugs in our society. According to the drug expert Alex Wodack, "No country which has started harm reduction programs has ever regretted that decision and then reverted their commitment".(p.228)
17 manolo 2013-09-11 22:55:38 [PC]
5-3. @ ともかく世界で初めて
18 manolo 2013-09-11 23:05:05 [PC]
5-5. A 目的は治安の向上
5-7. B 法案支持率は意外に低い
19 manolo 2013-09-11 23:10:45 [PC]
5-9. Cアメリカ主導の「麻薬戦争」には目障りな存在だが、邪魔することが目的ではない。
5-11. D 合法化法案の成立はほぼ確実
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