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1 manolo 2013-02-04 19:31:15 [PC]

出典: 朝日、2/3/2013、p.9

1-1. エジプトで続く反政府デモで「ブラック・ブロック」と名乗る覆面の若者たちが暴れ回っている。ムルシ大統領の出身母体であるイスラム組織ムスリム同胞団を敵視し、治安部隊を挑発する。1日にカイロの大統領府前で火炎瓶をを投げつけた暴徒の中にも姿があった。過激な覆面集団が市民デモの尖鋭化に拍車をかけている。

1-2. 黒ずくめの服装に、黒い覆面。デモ隊の中でも異彩を放つ集団は1月25日、カイロのタハリール広場であったデモで初めて目撃された。このような外見の若者たちは、ムバラク政権を崩壊させた2011年のデモでは見られなかった。行動は過激だ。メンバーが立ち上げたとみられるフェイスブックのページで、治安部隊の車両を奪ったことを写真つきで紹介。同胞団の支持者が経営するとされる商店に放火したことも認めている。

1-3. 創設者の一人だという大学生を名乗る男性は、地元紙に対し、「我々はどの政治組織とも無縁。『報復か革命か』がメンバーの信念だ」と語った。大統領府前で昨年12月、デモ隊が同胞団の支持者に襲われたことが結成の動機だという。「自衛に加え、(2年前の)革命でデモ参加者を殺したもの者たちに報復するためだ」という。メンバーは1万人という情報もある。中心は20代の若者で、20人ほどのグループで行動し、「監視」「実行」などの役割分担もあるという。

1-4. ブラック・ブロックは、欧米の反資本主義デモなどで、黒い服装で過激な行動に出る人々のことを指し、それにならって登場したとみられる。国営中東通信によると、検事総長はこのグループを「テロリスト集団」と断定。捜査当局に対して逮捕を命じるとともに、市民に対しても、拘束して当局に突き出すように求めた。

2 manolo 2013-02-06 17:41:09 [PC]

出典: ニューズウィーク日本版、2/12/2013、p.17

2-1. 「政治勢力間の対立が今後も続けば、国家が崩壊しかねない」。先週、エジプトのシシ国防相はそう警告した。この発言は多くの人々を驚かせ、軍事クーデターの前触れかという憶測を呼んだ。だが、ムスリム同胞団主導のモルシ政権に利権を保障された軍部は、現在の政治危機を陰で「操る」方を選ぶのではないかと、専門家は言う。ある軍高官も、「われわれは政府の望むことをやるだけだ」と語った。

2-2. ムバラク前政権を倒した大規模デモから2周年を迎えた先週う、エジプト各地で吹き荒れたデモと暴動の死者は50人以上。負傷者は数百人に上った。北部のポートサイドは無政府状態に陥り、首都カイロでも高級ホテルが略奪に遭った。モルシ大統領は既に、ポートサイドなどへ軍を派遣している。

2-3. モルシが対話を通じて危機を解決できなければ「軍が介入に踏み切る可能性はある」と、軍事アナリストのモハメッド・サイード元准将は指摘する。実際、国民の間にはエジプトのイスラム化を阻止する防波堤の役目を軍に期待する声もある。

2-4. だが、反モルシ派のデモ隊も、軍の政権団奪取に派拒否反応を示す。軍が権力を握れば(これまでより)ずっとひどい軍事政権が登場する、と「有力活動家のヌール・アイマンは言う。軍部は今も多くの行政のポストと巨大な経済的利権を握ったままだ、専門家によると、軍のビジネスは観光業から食品加工、武器製造まで及ぶという。

2-5. 同胞団主導の下で起草された新憲法は、国防予算を議会による監視の対象から外すなど、軍の既得権益を保証する内容だった。それだけ同胞団側は、現政権への脅しとも取れる国防相の警告に不意を突かれた格好だ。「政治的声明であり、極めて意外だ」と、カイロの同胞団の有力者カリム・ラドワンは言う。

3 manolo 2013-02-06 17:49:18 [PC]

2-6. 国防相の声明は今も「国家の守護者」を自任する軍の姿勢を浮き彫りにしたと、専門家は指摘する。それでも同胞団が軍に配慮を示したことで、当面クーデターの可能性は遠のいたのかもしれない。「軍は決して政治から手を引かないし、今後も大きな役割を果たし続けることになった」と、国際政治情勢のコンサルティング会社ユーラシア・グループ(ニューヨーク)のハニ・サブラは言う。「だから軍の指導部は、今の現状に満足している。」
4 hama 2013-04-02 06:54:37 [PC]


毎日NP 2013/04/01





5 manolo 2013-09-09 15:02:33 [画像] [PC]

出典: 朝日、8/15/2013、p.2(「エジプト流血再び」)



6 manolo 2013-09-09 15:27:49 [PC]






7 manolo 2013-09-09 15:41:11 [PC]



1月 ムバラク大統領の辞任求めるデモ発生
2月 ムバラク氏辞任、軍に権限移譲

1月 人民議会(下院)選でムスリム同胞団系が第1党に
6月 大統領選でムルシ氏当選
8月 ムルシ大統領、軍トップの国防相を解任。後任にシーシ氏

6月30日 反ムルシ大統領派が大規模デモ。同胞団員らは政権支持デモ
7月3日  軍がクーデター。ムルシ大統領を解任、拘束
  8日 ムルシ派デモ隊に軍や治安部隊が発砲、50人以上が死亡
  16日 暫定内閣発足。イスラム色排除、シーシ氏が第1副首相兼国防相に
26日〜27日 治安部隊がムルシ派デモを攻撃、70人以上死亡
  31日 暫定政府、ムルシ派のデモの排除を警告
8月3日 バーンズ米国務副長官がカイロ入り、軍とムルシ派を仲介
   7日 暫定政権、米国などの調停が「失敗した」と声明
  11日 治安当局とがデモ強制排除に乗り出すと現地で報道

8 manolo 2013-09-09 15:48:38 [PC]



9 manolo 2013-09-09 16:30:45 [PC]

出典: BBC NEWS ("Q & A: Egypt in turmoil")、 August 21, 2013、http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23146910

5-1. Egypt finds itself in another period of bloodshed and political uncertainty. On 14 August two camps in Cairo were broken up by security forces, killing hundreds of supporters of the ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. Dozens of security personnel also died in Egypt's bloodiest day since the pro-democracy uprising two years ago ejected long-time president Hosni Mubarak. Fresh clashes have followed between protesters and security forces.

5-2. How has the latest crisis unfolded?

  Early on the morning of 14 August, security forces moved in to clear two protest camps outside Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque and in Nahda Square in the west of the city. The two sites have been occupied by supporters of Egypt's first democratically elected president, Islamist Mohammed Morsi, who was removed from office by the military on 3 July after mass street protest against him. More than 6,000 people were killed in the operation to clear the camps, according to the authorities. The Muslim Brotherhood, which backs the protests, put the number of deaths at more than 2,000. The move sparked international condemnation and the resignation of Vice President Mohammed ElBaradei, a prominent liberal politician.

  The new military-backed government has also announced a month-long state of emergency, giving security forces wider powers of arrest and imposing a ninghtly curfew. However, the Brotherhood called for further protests to condemn the oepration, and on 16 Aufugust more than 170 people were killed in clashes centred around Cairo's Ramses Square. Many reprisal attacks by Islamists on Coptic Christian churches have also been reported since 14 August, as Copts have been accused by some Islamists of a major force behind Mr. Morsi's removal. Activists have also pointed out that no security was provided to Coptic churches, even though a sectarian backlash had been widely predicted.

10 manolo 2013-09-09 17:10:51 [PC]

5-3. What led up to the current instability?

 During his first year in office, Mr. Morsi fell out with key institutions and sectors of scoeity, and was seen by many Egyptians as doing lillle to tackle economic and social problems. Egypst became polarized between his Islamist supporters and his opponents, who include leftists, liberals and secularists. On 30 June millions took the streets to mark the first anniversally of the present's inauguration, in a protest organised by the Tamarod (Revolt) movement. The protests promoted the military to warn Mr. Morsi on 1 July that it will interevene and impose own "roadmap" if he did not satisfy the public's demands with 48 hours. As the deadline approacehd, Mr. Morsu insisted that he was Egypt's legitimate leader.

 Late on 3 July the head of armed forces, Gen Abdul Fatth al-Sisi, announced that the constitution had been suspended and that Chief Justice Adly Mansour would oversee an interim period with a technocratic government until presidential and parliamentary elections were held. Several Egypt's most influential figures gave their approval to the ousting of Mohammed Morsi. They included Egypt's highest Islamic authority, the Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar, the head of the Chistian Coptic Church; Mr. ElBaradei; and the hard-line Salafist Nour party. Mr. Morsi's supporters dennounced what they called a military coup, and held daily rallies demanding his re-instatement, as well as establishing the two camps that were susequently broken up. Even before the move to clear the camps, more than 250 people had been killed in demonstrations and confrontations with the security forces, most of them supported Mr. Morsi. Anti-Morsi protesters also look to the streets. Gen Sisi encouraged them to turn out on 26 July to give army a "mandate to confront possible violence and terrorism".

5-4. What has happened to Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood?

 Since he was ousted, Mr. Morsi has been under arrest at an undisclosed location, accused of plotting attacks on jails during the 2011 uprising against former President Hosni Mubarak. Several other senior figures form the Muslim Brotherhood were also detained after Mr. Morsi's removal, including the movement's second-in-command and strongman, Khairat al-Shater. Its leader, supreme guide Mohammed Babie, was detained on 20 August after having been in hiding for several weeks and termporarily replaced by his depty Mahmoud Ezzat. Both Mr. Badie and Mr. Shater are accued of inciting violence. More than 1,000 people have been detained in raids against Brotherhood memebers since the 14 August operaion. Interim Prime Minister Hazem Beblawi has raised the possibilty of the Brotherhood being legally dessolved. The organisation was banned by Egypt's military rules in 1954, but registered itself as a non-governmental organisation in March.

11 manolo 2013-09-09 17:22:59 [PC]

5-5. What will happen now?

  Interim President Adly Mansour laid out plans for a political transition leading to elections in early 2014. The plan also inclded a review of the constitution which had been backed by Mr. Morsi. The plan was rejected by the Muslim Brotherhood and also criticised by some leftist and liberal parties. Gen Sisi has promised "not to exclude anyone or any movement" and called for measures to "empower youths and integrate them in state institutions". However, given the current official campaign against the Brotherhood, it is not clear to what extent - if at all - it would be able to take part in any re-launched political process.

  The military has now entrenched its position as the most powerful government entity, and many say it operates like a state within a state. Military-owned businesses make up a significant proportion of Egypt's economy. Many activists have expressed fears that the military may use the crisis to restore oppressive aspects of the Mubarak regime, citing attacks on journalists and the increasing intolerance of ciriticism of the army. Some have speculated that Gen Sisi may wan to move into politics and run for the presidency - every president except Morsi for the past 60 years has come from the military. Gen Sisi has said in a recent interview with the Washington Post that he has no interest in a presideincial bid, bur refused to rule it out.

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