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1 manolo 2013-02-23 01:17:29 [画像] [PC]
出典: 『よくわかる女性と福祉』森田明美編著、ミネルヴァ書房、4/20/2011
1-1. 女性として生まれ、育ち、次の世代を育て、生き抜いて一生を終えるというライフステージで遭遇するさまざまな問題は、女性であることと結びついています。妊娠・出産すること、力が弱いこと、更年期や女性病にかかること、長生きであることなど、女性の固有性が、女性固有の課題となり、妊娠・出産、更年期、高齢期問題やドメスティック・バイオレンス(DV)などの困難と結びついています。(p.2)
1-2. また、こうした固有性が、妊娠・出産に伴う休暇の必要性や、生き方の変更、更年期の体調への配慮、高齢期の単身化などをもたらして、それを差別として助長する社会制度と合わさり、女性の生き方を阻み一層生きにくさを増幅させます。それがジェンダーという社会が作り出した差別(*1)です。(p.2)
*1 1979年国連採択「女性差別撤廃条約」1条は、「性に基づく区別、排除又は制限であって、政治的、経済的、社会的、文化的、市民的その他のいかなる分野においても、女子(婚姻しているかいないかを問わない。)が男女の平等を基礎として人権及び基本的自由を認識し、享有し又は行使することを害し又は無効又は目的を有するものをいう」と定義している。
1-3. 社会福祉は、その人らしくよりよい暮らしを実現したいと思う時に、自助努力、親族などではできないことを教育・労働・保健・医療などと協力しながら社会的に支援する仕組みです。こうした社会の支援への要請は、性別、年齢、地域を問わず出されます。けれども、近年起きている女性をめぐる社会福祉問題は、そうした女性固有の特性を支えることができず、女性の生きにくさを増幅させてしまっているといえます。女性が生きていくことを支える社会福祉のあり方を考えると、社会福祉が持つ問題が見えてきます。(p.2)
12 manolo 2013-08-31 00:52:13 [PC]
Nonetheless, all feminists share the goal of gender equality. They want wpmen and men to have an equal status, and to enjoy equal respect. For most feminists, an important part of gender equality is equality of opportunity and, for many, greater equality of resources is also needed. (pp.236-237)
Feminists are also concerned to increase or protect women's freedom. For many feminists, women should be free to choose their own ways of life and should not be constrained by traditional or steretypical rules about 'feminine' behaviour. (p.237)
3-10. (Key Concepts) First-wave feminism.
First-wave feminism refers to women's suffrage movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. First-wave feminists, such as Sylvia, Emmeline, and Christabel, Pankhurst, Mary Wollstonecraft, John Stuart Mill, and Sojourner Truth, argued that the rights that men enjoyed should be extended to women. Some first-wave feminists based these arguments on claims that women were men's equals; others argued that women's reason was superiot to that of men. All argued that women's interests were not reducible to those of their husbands and that women consequently needed to be able to vote for themselves. (p.237)
3-10. (Key concepts) Second-wave feminism
Second-wave feminism refers to the resurgence of feminist activism, particularly radical feminism, in the 1960s and 1970s. It is associated with feminists such as Shulamith Firestone, Andrea Dworkin, Germaine Greer, and Mary Daly. Key themes of the second-wave feminism include: the attack on male violence towards women, partucularly sexual violence; the rejection of 'feminine' norms such as sexual submissiveness and participation in beauty practices; the critique of enforced female domesticity; a critique of heterosexuality as inherently hierarchical, with political lesbianism sometimes advocated; and the insistence on female solidarity and sisterhood. (p.238)
13 manolo 2013-08-31 01:03:21 [PC]
3-11. (Key concepts) Post-feminism
Post-feminism signifies resistance to the themes of second-wave feminism. Feminists such as Camille Paglia, Katie Riophe, and Pat Califia are associated with post-feminism. Key themes include the ideas that: women must see themselves as agents, not as victims, and that a focus on violence undermines women's agency; sexuality should be thought of as liberating and that all consensual sex should be celebrated; feminism should focus on women's material equality, rather than on symbolic aspects of gender; and femininity, including participation in beauty practices and gendered dress, is compatible with equlaity. Natasha Wlater's book 'The New Feminism' (1998) is a key post-feminist text, but Walter recants her post-feminism in her most recent book 'Living Dolls: The Return of Sexism (2010). (p.238)
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