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途上国の開発(Glossary) (コメント数:5)

1 manolo 2014-06-21 04:21:22 [PC]

290 x 174
出典『The Challenge of Third World Development (7th Ed.)』Howard Handelman、Pearson、2013

1. absolute poverty
An extreme form of poverty felt by individuals living on less than $1.25 per day (previously $1 per day). (p.319)

2. African Union
An organization representing 54 African states and seeking to promote cooperation between them. It was founded in 2002 to succeed the Organization of African Unity. (p.319)

2 manolo 2014-06-21 04:25:06 [PC]

(途上国の開発 続き)

3. agrarian reform
Distribution of farmland to needy peasants along with the government support programs such as roads, technical assistance, and lines of credit needed to make beneficiaries economically viable. (p.319)

4. Alawites
A branch of Shi’a Islam. The Alawite minority in Syria dominates the military, political and economic elites of President Bashar al-Assad’s dictatorship. (p.319)

5. Arab Afghans
A term used to refer to Arabs who fought as volunteers with the fundamentalist Taliban forces in Afghanistan. (p.319)

6. Arab Spring
The term used to describe the rise of pro-democracy movements in the Arab World, starting with Tunisia and Egypt in early 2011 and soon spreading to other Arab countries, including Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Bahrain. (p.319)

7. associated-dependent development
A type of Third World industrialization based on an alliance of the local, political, economic, and military elites with multinational corporations and Western governments. (p.319)

8. authoritarian government (regime, system)
A political system that limits or prohibits opposition groups and otherwise restricts political activity and expression. (p.319)

9. autonomy
A substantial amount of self-rule for an ethnic group or region that falls short of full independence. (p.319)

10. Blue Helmets (Blue Berets)
United Nations peacekeepers. (p.319)

11. bureaucratic-authoritarian regimes
Military dictatorship, found most often in Latin America’s more developed countries, that were based on an alliance between the military, government bureaucrats, local business elites, and multinational corporations. (p.319)

12. capital goods (or equipment)
Goods such as machinery that are used for production of other goods rather than for consumption. (p.319)

3 manolo 2014-06-21 04:31:23 [PC]

(途上国の開発 続き)

13. command economy
An economy in which most of the means of production are owned and managed by the state and in which prices and production decisions are determined by state planners. (p.320)

14. commercialization of agriculture
The process whereby subsistence farmers (i.e., those raising crops largely for their own family consumption) convert, sometimes unwillingly, to farming for the commercial market. (p.320)

15 communal strife (violence)
Conflict between ethnic communities (such as Hindus and Muslims) usually in the same country. (p.320)

16. comparative advantage
A country’s capacity to engage in a particular economic activity efficiently and cheaply relative to other nations. (p.320)

17. consociationalism
A division of political power between formerly antagonistic groups (such as ethnicities) based on power sharing, limited autonomy, and mutual vetoes. (p.320)

18. consumer subsidies
Payment made by the state that allow consumers to purchase goods at prices below their free-market value. (p.320)

19. crony capitalism
A corrupt form of capitalist deveopment in which powerful, well-connected businessmen use their government ties to accumulate wealth (p.321)

20.culture of poverty
A sense of powerlessness and fatalism allegedly commonly found among the urban poor. (p.320)

21. First World
The group of wealthy advanced industrial nations that were the first countries to develop economically - Europe, North America, Australia-New Zealand, and Japan. (p.321)

22. fundamentalism
A theological doctrine that seeks to preserve a religion’s traditional worldview and resist any efforts by religious liberals to reform it. It also frequently seeks to revive the role of religion in private and public life, including dress, lifestyle, and politics. Used interchangeably with “revivalism.”(p.322)

4 manolo 2014-06-22 02:21:30 [PC]

(途上国の開発 続き)

23. globalization
The tendency of today’s national economies to become increasingly intertwined and interdependent, usually coupled with increased interdependence of cultures. (p.322)

24. honor killings
Murders of women who have allegedly “dishonored” their families by engaging in sexual activity or some related lesser “offense.” Honor killings are commonly committed by close male relatives of the victim. (p.322)

25. infrastructure
The underlying structures (including transportation, communication, and agricultural irrigation) that are needed for effective production. (p.323)

26. Jihad
An Islamic holy war. (p.323)

27. Madrassa
An Islamic school. The word is sometimes used to describe a school of any kind. (p.324)

28. Mujahideen
Islamic “freedom fighters” or guerrillas in a holy war. (p.324)

29. multinational corporations
Corporations with holdings and operations in a number of countries. Overwhelmingly based in the developed world, many of them exercise considerable economic power in the Third World. (p.324)

30. nationalization
The transfer of private firms to state ownership. (p.324)

31. neocolonialism
Economic or cultural dominance of one sovereign nation over another. (p.324)

32. NGO (nongovernmental organizations)
An organization at the local, national, or international level that is privately funded and had no connection with the government. Most NGOs stress grassroots organization. Commonly, they support goals such as democratization, human rights, women’s rights, environmental protection, housing, health care, and education. (p.324)

5 manolo 2014-06-22 02:23:35 [PC]

(途上国の開発 続き)

33. pluralist democracy
A form og government that allows a wide variety of groups and viewpoints to flourish and to engage in political activity independent of government control. (p.325)

34. procedural democracy
Standards of democracy based on political procedures (such as free elections) rather than outcomes (such as social justice). (p.325)

35. progressive church
The reformist and radical wings of the Catholic Church (primarily in Latin America). (p.325)

36. secularization
The separation of church and state and more generally, the removal of religion from politics. (p.326)

37. social mobility
The ability to move from one rank or social class in society to another. (p.326)

38. Sub-Saharan Africa
Countries in Africa below the northern tier of Arab nations. Also called Black Africa. (p.326)

39. substantive democracy
Standards of democracy that measure government policy outcomes such as literacy and health levels or socioeconomic equality, not just democratic procedures (as distinguished from procedural democracy). (p.326)

40. Theocracy (theocratic state)
Literally defined as “the rule of God.” A government ruled by or subject to religious authority and in which church and state are closely linked. (p.326)
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