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Tokon Debatabank II

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冤罪6 manolo 2014-06-13 00:47:03 manolo
M & A6 manolo 2014-06-12 01:26:40 manolo
裁判員制度4 manolo 2014-05-18 16:50:36 manolo
研究不正5 manolo 2014-05-17 16:05:38 manolo
天下り2 manolo 2014-05-12 16:33:22 manolo
極右政党6 manolo 2014-04-30 23:26:38 manolo
NATO3 manolo 2014-04-08 09:25:42 manolo
政治理論(Glossary)9 manolo 2014-04-05 19:17:35 manolo
メディア研究(Glossary)7 manolo 2014-04-02 16:02:44 manolo
ビットコイン4 manolo 2014-03-23 13:32:38 manolo
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1 manolo 2014-06-12 14:07:02 [PC]

300 x 168
出典: 『朝日新聞』、3/28/2014、「袴田さん48年ぶり釈放」p.1

死刑停止 再審決定


2 manolo 2014-06-12 14:28:30 [PC]





3 manolo 2014-06-12 14:44:54 [PC]



4 manolo 2014-06-13 00:43:56 [PC]

出典:『朝日新聞』3/28/2014、「時時刻刻 証拠一転、「無実」の根拠」、p.2
袴田事件 DNA鑑定、再審決め手

2-1. 【精度、飛躍的に向上】




5 manolo 2014-06-13 00:46:35 [PC]

2-5. 【調書1通のみ採用 犯行時の着衣変更 操作不備、一審から指摘】
「国家機関が無実の個人を陥れ、45年以上にわたり身体を拘束し続けたことになり、刑事司法の理念から到底耐え難い」 静岡地裁決定が厳しい捜査批判の言葉を連ねた背景には、早い段階から指摘された捜査の問題があった。





6 manolo 2014-06-13 00:47:03 [PC]

2-10. 【チェックできなかった裁判所】
1 manolo 2014-06-11 10:04:28 [PC]

275 x 183
「企業買収 和製M&A 失敗の研究」、pp.48~52


2 manolo 2014-06-11 10:06:31 [PC]

 大型の海外M&A(海外企業の合併・買収)が、毎週のように全国紙の1面をにぎわしている。5月15日には、サントリーホールディングスが米ビーム社の買収を完了し、両社トップがそろって会見を開いた。買収金額は1.6兆円と巨額だ。格付け会社のムーディーズ・ジャパンはサントリーを2ノッチ(段階)格下げ。しかし、「巨額の財務負担から格下げしたが、ビーム買収の戦略は悪くない」とセメトコ真理子・主任格付アナリストは笑顔で語った。その1週間後の5月22日には、「味ぽん」で知られる調味料大手のミツカンホールディングスが、英蘭系の食品大手・ユニリーバからパスタソース事業を2150億円で譲受すると発表した。同事業は、「ラグー アンド ベルトッリ」という米国で有名なブランドを持つ。(p.48)



1-4. 【第一三共がインド撤退 実は討死にだらけ】
 空前の海外M& A ブームが訪れそうな勢いだが、それに水を差す不穏なニュースも複数ある。4月には、製薬大手の第一三共が、08年に4994億円を投じて買収した後発大手・印ランバクシー・ラボラトリーズの実質売却を発表した。同じく4月NTTドコモも09年から合計2667億円を出資していた印タタ・サービスシズリミテッドの保有株を売却すると明らかにした。(p.49)

3 manolo 2014-06-11 10:10:44 [PC]




4 manolo 2014-06-11 10:11:57 [PC]

1-8. 【失敗9割、成功1割 5割が10年以内に撤退】




5 manolo 2014-06-12 01:25:39 [PC]






6 manolo 2014-06-12 01:26:40 [PC]

2-5. 【FDAの信用を完全に失う】


1 manolo 2014-05-18 15:45:54 [PC]

275 x 183
出典: 『朝日新聞』/5/18/2014/「裁判員5年 見えてきた課題 上」/p.39

死刑 覆った市民感覚
先例優先か 二審で3件


2 manolo 2014-05-18 16:17:06 [PC]





3 manolo 2014-05-18 16:42:24 [PC]




 優先されるべきは、市民感覚か、先例か―― 裁判官出身の原田国男弁護士は、名古屋地裁や東京地裁の判事として多くの死刑判決にかかわった。「死刑は、他の刑とまったく異なる」。何とか死刑を回避できる理由はないか、ぎりぎりまで考え抜き、どうしても見つからない場合のみ死刑を言い渡したという。

4 manolo 2014-05-18 16:50:36 [PC]

 そのうえでこう指摘する。「裁判員が熟慮して出した死刑の決断は尊重されるべきで、『先例』だけで破棄することは納得が得られない」 ただし、命を奪う究極の刑の適用は、二審でも改めて慎重に判断すべきだとも強調する。「上級審は事件の本質を見極めて量刑判断をし、しっかりと説明することが求められる」

1 manolo 2014-05-12 16:59:31 [PC]

240 x 174



2 manolo 2014-05-12 17:10:04 [PC]



1-4. 【不正をどう防ぐか】

3 manolo 2014-05-16 19:02:51 [PC]

240 x 174



4 manolo 2014-05-17 16:03:53 [PC]



1-4. 【不正をどう防ぐか】


5 manolo 2014-05-17 16:05:38 [PC]



1 manolo 2014-05-12 16:22:21 [PC]

258 x 195

1-1. 【丹呉元次官のJT会長就任で再び強まる財務省の影響力】

2 manolo 2014-05-12 16:33:22 [PC]



1 manolo 2014-04-20 23:53:09 [PC]

274 x 184


2 manolo 2014-04-20 23:54:29 [PC]



3 manolo 2014-04-21 00:59:25 [PC]




4 manolo 2014-04-21 01:42:37 [PC]


2-4. 【職場の「世俗主義」を徹底】

一方、極端な思想と一線を画し、「中道」を歩む人々もいる。パリ北部のセーヌ・サンドニ県の移民が住む地域に、パブレクという大きなリサイクル企業がある。従業員は4000人で、多くがムスリムだ。同社はジャンリュック・プティフギューニンCEOの要請で、職場における「世俗主義と多様性の憲章」を制定。イスラム教徒のスカーフ着用を禁止し、礼拝のための部屋も設けていない。「宗教原理主義者の台頭を心から心配している」と、プティフギューニンは保守系週刊誌レクスプレスに語った。「私の会社には宗教紛争で苦しんだ人もいる。原理主義の圧力から守ってほしいという従業員もいる」 スカーフや体全体を覆うベールの着用の強要を恐れている女性従業員もいるという。禁止令がなければ、ひと握りの厳格なムスリムからそのようなプレッシャーを受けかねない。(p.41)

5 manolo 2014-04-30 23:25:52 [PC]




6 manolo 2014-04-30 23:26:38 [PC]

1 manolo 2014-04-08 09:00:38 [PC]

278 x 181


2 manolo 2014-04-08 09:22:10 [PC]



1-4. 【「冷戦終結後最大の危機」】


3 manolo 2014-04-08 09:25:42 [PC]

1 manolo 2014-04-04 14:50:33 [PC]

228 x 221
出典:『Issues in Political Theory (2nd Ed.)』、Catriona McKinnon、Oxford University Press、2012

1. act utilitarianism
Act utilitarianism is the view that all of our actions should aim to maximize the amount of collective utility of all persons or even sentient beings. For example, a hedonistic version of act utilitarianism would require that we act so as to maximize the amount of pleasure and minimize the amount of pain in the world. Cf. rule utilitarianism (p.331)

2. aggregative justice
An aggregative conception of justice is one that primarily focuses on the total amount of a given x. Imagine that this x is, for example, 'opportunity for well-being'. The aggregative approach will aim at maximizing its total amount, even at the cost of a more unequal distribution of it. Cf. distributive justice (p.331)

2 manolo 2014-04-04 15:15:50 [PC]


3. anti-egalitarian suffcientarianism
This is a suffciency principle that attaches great importance to the universal attainment of certain critical level of advantage, and denies the importance of equality or priority once such level has been universally attained. (p.331)

4. assimilation
This term refers to a policy that encourage cultural minorities to lose their distinctive customs or norms on order to fit in more easily with the rest of society. Assimilation is often resisted by minority cultures. Cf. intergration (p.331)

5. autonomy
An individual has sutonomy (or individuality) to the extent that he or she rationally chooses his or her acts and omissions in accrod with his or her own judgement and inclination -- where 'rationality' implies at least a minimum capacity to understand and foresees the prbable consequences of those acts and omissions. The individual may have autonomy without necessarily having moral autonomy. (p.331)

6. autonomy theory
This approach focuses on the rationality of human beings with specific reference to their capacity to make moral choices, in relation to both what dury requires of them and the capacity to choose to do what their reason tells them to be morally right. (p.331)

7. basic libety principle
A principle of social justice defended by Rawls that restricts inequality by insisting on upholding the fair value of rights to participate in the political system and not merely more familiar civil liberties. (p.331)

8. bill of rights
A declaration of citizens' rights or human rights, normally incorporated in a constitutions and sometimes used by courts to override legislation or executive action deemed to be contrary to the bill of rights. (p.331)

9. brute luck
This referes to luck inherent to the conditions faced by individuals and independent of the choices they have made. Cf. option luck. (p.331)

10. civil disobedience
A method of protest in which participants break specific laws in an cordinated fashion in order to address an injustice. Some theorists add that civil disobedience must be open and accountable, in the sence that participants must not try to keep their illegal acts secret and they must subsequently submit to due legal process. (pp.331-332)

11. classical utilitarianism
A version of utilitarianism that posits that a morally right act is that whcih maximizes the greatest good of the greatest number. The idea is associated with Jeremy Bentham and Henry Sidgwick. (p.332)

3 manolo 2014-04-04 15:51:54 [PC]


12. coersion
The forcing of someone to do something by threatening him or her with an unpleasant outcome if he or she does not comply. Some theorists think that the threatened outcome must also be wrongful in order for the threat to count as coersive. The term is sometimes used more widely to refer to the use of force, both threatened and actual, to achieve some aim.(p.332)

13. consequentialism
A moral theory that bases the rightness or wrongness of conduct solely on the extent to which it maximizes good consequences and minimizes bad consequences. (p.332)

14. contract theory
The view that political authority and obligation is justified, because citizens have formed a contract with each other to obey the law. Unlike the term consent theory, the term contract theory is not usually used for the view that contemporary citizens give their tacit consent to obey the law, being more commonly used in relation to hypothetical consent theory. (p.332)

15. cultural identity
This refers to an individual's sense of belonging to a cultural or ethnic group. The term is most often used to describe the content of that individual's identity, for example 'wearing the veil is part of my cultural identity'. (p.333)

16. cultural relativism
The view that either (a) what is right or wrong is entirely a matter for cultural determiniation and/or (b) that there is no basis for saying that values of one culture are batter than those of another. (p.333)

17. deliberative democracy
A form of collective decision-making whereby laws and policies are legitimate to the extent that they are publicly justified to the citizens of the community. Public justification is justification to each citizen as a result of free and reasoned debate among equals. (p.333)

18. deontology
A theory that grounds morality in imperatives that lay down moral obligations that are independent of the consequences of their being followed. (p.333)

19. descriptive
Concerned with how things actually are in the world or how they would be if something were to happen. (Cf. normative) (p.333)

4 manolo 2014-04-04 16:18:05 [PC]


20. distributive justice
A distributive conception of justice is one that primarily focuses on the distribution of this x in sciety. Imagine that this x is, for example, 'opportuity for well-being'. The distributive approach will care about how the 'pie' of opportunity for well-being is divided up, even if it means that we will end up with a smaller 'pie'. Cf. aggregative justice.(p.333)

21. freedom of expression
This refers to the freedom to express oneself in speech, writing, performance, apperance, etc., without fear of punishment or social censure. It is variously defended in the name of individual autonomy, self-respect, pursuit of truth and knowledge, and also scepticism about the existence of universal truths, or our abilty to know them.(p.334)

22. hypothetical consent
Consent that would be given in some imagined world if certain conditions were to obtain that do not, in fact, obtain. Cf. express consent and tacit consent. (p.334)

23. intergration
The idea that different cultural groups within the same country can belong equally to it, but still have different institutions and rights. The opposite of integration is segregation. Multicultural thinkers greatly prefer integration to the idea of assimilation. (p.335)

24. international resource privilege
This refers to the way in which governments may freely dispose of their country's natural resources in a way that is legally recongnized internationally. (p.335)

25. judicial review
A mechanism whereby legislation can be challenged through the courts on the grounds that it infringes one or more of the rights recognized by a constitution. Judges will evaluate whether, in fact, the legislation does so and will be empowered to invalidate the law in question, or the offending part of the law, if the case is proven. (p.335)

26. jurisdiction
Refers to the right to exercise legal authority and the limits within that right may be exercised. (p.335)

5 manolo 2014-04-04 16:54:15 [PC]


27. just war
An account of how war should conform to moral regulation. Cf. pacifism, realism, and romantic militarism. (p.335)

28. legal positivism
The view that rights are creation of positive law or conventional social norms that set out what is acceptable behaviour in particular societies. Positivists hold that these rights are subject to evaluation, criticism, and moral legislation, but contend that this is a matter of deciding whether rights serve important human values and interests, rather than of acquiring knowledge of pre-existing natural or moral rights. (p.335)

29. levelling down objection(「水準低下の異議」)
This refers to the committment of those who endorse the principles of comparative egalitarianism to thinking that it would in one way be better if everybody were to be poor or blind, rather than if only some were to be rich or sighted, because then there would be more equality. (p.335)

30. libetarian
This refers to an ideology that celebrates freedom and is suspicious of government. The term was originally associated--and in some circles still is associated--with the anarchist version of a non-coersive, egalitarian society, based on social cooperation. Its more common usage in contemporary political theory is to refer to a right-wing ideology that advocates, for both economic and moral reasons, a minimal role for government and a maximal role for the market in economic affairs. (p.335)

31. liberty
An individual has liberty in a purely descriptive sense in relation to given domain of acts and omissions if, and only if, he or she can do as he or she wishes within that domain. If the indivuduals chooses whatever act or omission her of she likes, then it follows that other people are not preventing that individual from acting, or omitting to act, as he or she chooses. The domain of conduct in relation to which an individual has liberty may be extensive or narrow, depending on context. As long as he or she can choose even a single act or omission, however, that individual is at liberty in relation to that particular act or omission. It is a separate question whether the individual's liberty has value in a given context. (pp.335-336)

32. minimal state
Introduced by Robert Nozick, the term refers to a state that restricts itself to enforcing basic property rights and rights against harm. A minimal state exercises sole authority in a given territory to arbitrate in jucidial matters and enforce its judgments. Its protection is afforded by to all who live within that territory. (p.336)

6 manolo 2014-04-04 17:16:46 [PC]


33. moral autonomy
An individual has moral auatonomy if, in addition to having autonomy, his or her conduct satisfied ethical standards of right conduct prescribed by a given theory of morality. The ethical standards might be incorporated within a thick concept of rationality, or they might be assumed to constitute a concept of reasonableness that is independent of a thin concept of rationality. Ethical standards may vary across differnet moral theories and, in some instances, may overlap with standards of beauty established by aestheric theories.(p.336)

34. multicuturalism
This term can refer to the fact of cultural diversity in countries rainging from the former Yugoslavia to the UK, and may also describe the coexistence of different kinds of cultural group within a country.(p.336)

35. neoliberalism
An approach to democracy that minimizes the scope of the authorty of the state and turns most decisions over to the market or voluntary organizations. Cf. elite theory and interest group plualism (p.336)

36. normative
Concerned with how things outght to be or what people ought to do. Cf. descriptive (p.33&)

37. option luck
A technical term that has been widely employed since Dwarkin used it, which refers to luck in the choices that individuals make rather than that of the conditions into which an individual is born or brought for reasons independent of his or her will. Cf. brute luck (p.336)

38. pacifism
A reaction to warfare that rejects it as utterly immoral. Cf. realism (p.337)

39. patriarcy
The literally means 'rule of the father'. It is used in feminist philosophy to mean a society that is structured according to sexual inequality, with men being advantaged and women disadvantaged. Patriarchies, in this feminist sense, need not have male political leaders, although men usually occupy more positions of political power than do women. (p.337)

40. popular sovereignty
The view that sovereignty belongs to the people and, tehrefore, that authority is legitimate when it rests (directly or indirectly) on the consent of those subject to it. (p.337)

7 manolo 2014-04-05 18:46:05 [PC]


41. prioritarianism
A distributive principle according to which the moral value of a benefit or disvalue of a burden diminishes as an individual becomes better off. The standard form of this view requires attaching non-absolute prority to the interests of the less advantaged and is not comparative, although forms of camparative prioritarianism, moderate prioritarianism, and extreme prioritarianism also exist. (p.337)

42. public sphere
Defined in contrast to the private sphere. The public sphere refers to areas of life that are properly subject to political interference and which should be regulated by principles of justice. The public sphere is sometimes referred to as the political sphere. (p.337)

43. realism
A reaction to warfare that accepts it as somehow beyond moral adjudication. There are, however, different interpretations of how radical this reaction really can be. Cf. pacifism. (p.337)

44. recognition
This refers to the positive assertion of differences in the public space and it is seen as the first symbolkic step towards the full inclusion of minority groups. (p.338)

45. rule utilitariansim
A moral theory that states that we should choose that set of rules which, if consistently followed, would maximize the amount of collective utility of all persons, or even sentient beings (for example, given a hedonistic conception of utility, that set of rules which would maximize the amount of pleasure and minimize the amount of pain in the world). We should then judge the moral acceptability of an actions by reference to these rules. This two-stage approach introduces some distance between the moral acceptability of an act and its consequences, thereby overcoming some of the objections faced by act utilitarianism. (p.338)

46. secession
This describes the process in which a portion of a political community divorces itself from the rest of community to form its own state--that is, a group's act of breaking away from a larger nation to establish its own system of government. For example, the Basques wish for secession from Spain's rule, because they see themselves as culturally distinct from the Spanish. (p.338)

47. security
An individual's securty is another name for his or her civil liberty and political liberty, where political liberty is conceived broadly to include living under a constitutional government that has no authority to violate basic rights, and which is suitably constrained by a system of checks and balances to prevent abuses of authority. Arguably, security is maximized under some form of constitutional democracy, which recognize a basic right to absolute liberty of self-regarding conduct. (p.338)

8 manolo 2014-04-05 19:10:11 [PC]


48. self-determination
This view that each people or nation should have its own set of political institutions to enable it to decide collectively on matters that are of primary concern for its members. (p.338)

49. self-regarding conduct
An individual's conduct is 'purely self-regarding' in Mill's sense if, and only if, it does not directly and immediately affect other people, or if it only does so with those people's unoforced and undeceived consent and participation. (p.338)

50. social cleavage
A factor that divides members of society into groups that have different status or resouces. Examples of social cleavages are sex race, and class. (p.338)

51. social construction
This refers to the process by which social norms affect our lives, either by shaping the options that are available to or appropriate for us, or by affacting the way in which we interpret society, understand ourselves, and form preferences. (p.338)

52. social contract
An agreement between persons in a state of nature that establishes the terms for a common society and/or government. (p.338)

53. social norms
There are informal rules about how people ought to behave in a society. Examples of social norms include rules of etiquette, clothing, and social interaction. Social norms can become internalized, such that people prefer to comply with them--for exmaple, many people feel embarrased about passing wind in public and do not wish to do so. (p.338)

54. sovereignty
The supreme authority within a given geographycal territory. (p.339)

55. sufficiency principles (十分性原理)
These are moral principles, assuming that there are non-instrumentally morall relevant thresholds. They are often employed to claim that, when evaluating distributions, what matters is wether individuals have enough to escape absolute deprivation or to live above some ciritical threshold. (p.339)

56. tacit consent
Also sometimes called implicit consent or passive consent, consent that is expressed by doing something that you would not otherwise permitted to do, because someone has a right that you not do that thing without thereby consenting. An example would be tacitly consenting to pay for a meal in a restaurant by eating the meal. Cf. express consent (p.339)

57. Tobin tax(トービン税)
This is the popular name of a currency transaction tax, proposed by James Tobin in the 1970s, as a means of reducing destabilizing trades, slowing down speculation, and promoting more long-term investing. (p.339)

9 manolo 2014-04-05 19:17:35 [PC]


58. utilitarianism
The doctrine, of which there are many versions, that social institutions and practices should be organized so as to maximize general welfare or common good at the sole ultimate ethical value, and that individual actions ought also to aim at this end. Mill's version holds that a code of justice and rights is more valuable for this purpose than any competing considerations. (p.339)

59. veil of ignorance(「無知のヴェール」)
A phrase coined by Rawls to refer to the limited knowledge of characteristics--for example, sex. race, and class--that can be (dis)advantaging in the real world, but which ought not to be (dis)advantaging in the just society. (p.339)

60. voluntarism
The view that political authority and obligation is jusified because citizens have voluntarily agreed to obey the law. Often used interchangeably with the terms consent theory and contract theory, although, strictly speaking, voluntarism includes other ways of agreeging to do something to do something, such as promising. (p.339)
1 manolo 2014-04-02 13:47:20 [PC]

265 x 190
出典:『Understanding the Media(3rd Ed.)』、Eoin Devereux、SAGE Publications、2014

1. Active Audience
The term refers to the agency or creativity of media audiences. Audiences are seen to be active interpreters of media texts. Recent debates about audience agncy have also focused on the capacity which audiences have to be producers/prosumers. (p.289)

2. Asymmetrical Relations of Power
Unequal relationships of power in the social world with particular reference to how inequlity manifests itself in terms of people's position in the social structure based upon one's class, ethnicity or gender in one or other combination. (p.289)

3. Citizen Journalism
Refers to journalism engaged in by so-called ordinary citizens. Citizen journalism has expanded significantly in the context of the spread of social media. Free or cheapter forms of media technologies (e.g. blogs, Twitter and web-based zines) have allowed ordinary people to re-circulate existing media texts or create commentaries on and/or offer eye-witness accounts of matters of public interest. (p.289)

2 manolo 2014-04-02 14:06:36 [PC]


4. Conglomerate/Conglomeration
Large-scale corporations that operate at national and transnational levels. Conglomerates are made-up of a range of coporations that have strong monopolistic tendencies and are either vertically or horizontally integrated (or sometimes both) in terms of their owenership structure. Media corporations may be part of larger media conglomerates or conglomerates of a more genral nature which have economic interests outside of the media industry. (p.289)

5. Core, Peripheral and Semi-Peripheral Societies
World System Theory sees the world as being divided into core, peripehral and semi-perioheral societies. The labour forces and raw materials of peripheral and semi-peripheral societies are exploited in order to create goods and services for the core scoieties in the western capitalist world. (p.290)

6. Cultural Industries
According to Hesmondhalgh (2013: 4) the cultural industries 'are involved in the making and ciculating of products that, more than the products of any other kind of industry, have an influence on our understanding and knowledge of the world.' (p.290)

7. Deregulation
In some territories the state has played a strong role in regulating publically and privately owned media organizations. The deregulation of the media market has seen the state play a reduced role in regulating media organizations. Conglomerates favour a deregulated environment and have lobbied the politically powerful to ensure less regulatory involvement by the state. (p.290)

8. Deserving Poor
The poor or socially excluded who are deemed to be worth of assistance or help. The deserving poor are believed to be poor through no fault of their own and are deserving of state or other forms of support or assistance. The deserving poor are sometimes referred to as 'God's Poor'. (p.291)

3 manolo 2014-04-02 14:23:54 [PC]


9. Digital Divide
A concept used to highlight the gap between the information rich and information poor. While the digital divide is most apparent between northern and southern hemispheres, the concept may also be used to understand information inequalities in the 'developed world'. The concept of the digital divide warns us to be sceptical about the widely used concepts such as the global village and the information society. (p.291)

10. Discourse
A form of knowlege. (p.291)

11. E-zines
Internet-based magazines or newsletters. These are often aimed at specific interst groups. (p.292)

12. Fandom
Within media and cultural studies fandom refers to the phenomenon of fans forming an attachment to a partucular star, celebrity or media genre. Fan studies are often the site of some very interesting reserch on what some audience members can do in their role as producers or prosumers. (p.292)

13. Globnalization
The term globalization is at once both multi-faceted and ambiguous. As a process globalization refers to a number of things - the restructuring of economic activities on global lines; the apparent 'shinkage' of time and space as a result of new information and communications technologies; the increased awareness of the global in everyday life; cultural homogenization and the intensification of local identities. The media industries (and conglomerates especially) have globalized in terms of both their reach and their presence in a range of core, peripheral and semi-peripheral societies. Media globalization has resulted in the wider circulation of media texts and has given rise to new kinds of concerns and questions for audience researchers in particular. (p.293)

14. Hegemony
The dominance of one social group over another. Hegemony may be achieved through either force or consent. Hegemonic ideologies are those ideologies that facilitate or enable domination to take place. Counter-hegemonic ideologies are ideas that run counter to those expressed within the dominant ideology. (p.293)

4 manolo 2014-04-02 14:52:13 [PC]


15. Hybrid/Hybridization
The term hybrid has two key meanings. Hybrid media texts may be creted when their producers or creators mix the ingredients from more than one media genre. Hybridization also occurs when globally circulated media texts are appropriated by audiences and are localized. (p.294)

16. Hyperreality
According to Baudrillard, in the media saturated post-modern world it is no longer a queston of us having to examine how the media represent 'reality'. Media 'reality' has become the (hyper) reality for most members of society. (p.294)

17. Ideology
At its most basic ideology means the 'Sceince of Ideas.' In media analysis the emphasis is on examining how the media construct and disseminate ides that are of benefit to the dominant class or other social group. We usually differntiate between dominant or hegemonic ideologies about class, ethnic or gender relations and other counter-hegemonic ideologies evident in media content. (p.294)

18. Infotainment
The merging of information and entertainment usually in a news setting. It may also refer to the increasing tendency within more serious media content of entertainment masquerading as information. (p.294)

19. Integration
(Horizontal and Vertical) The terms 'vertical' and 'horizontal' integration refer to two contrasting styles of media ownership structure. With vertical integration a media company (usually a conglomerate) owns and controls all aspects of the production, marketing, distribution and selling of a media product. Media companies that are horizontally integrated own and control a range of media companies involved in different kinds of activities such as printing, broadcasting and ICT. (p.294)

20. Media Imperialism
The terms media imperialism, cultural imperialism and US imperialism ('Hollywoodisation') are often used interchangeably in reference to the spead and global domination of western media culture. Those who are concerned about western media imperialism see it as being responsible for wearing down of local cultures. However, those who argue from a g-localization perspective believe that local audiences have the capacity to resist, hybridize and localize globalizing forms of media culture. (p.295)

21. Media Oligopolies
Powerful media conglomerates who dominate and control the global media industry. (p.295)

22. Modernity
Increasingly a contentious term, modernity refers to the era in which societies became industrialized, secular and urban. The contention arises from whether or not modernity has given way to postmodernity. (p.295)

5 manolo 2014-04-02 15:04:53 [PC]


23. Narrative/Narrative Analysis
A research method concerned with the narratitve structure of media texts. How do individual media texts such as reports broadcast on television news programs tell or narrate stories about the social world? What conventions are employed in explaining 'terrorism' for example?(p.296)

24. Neo-Liberalism
A now dominant ideology which sees members of society as primarily economic rather than social factors. According to this perspectives, the stste should either play a significantly reduced or non-existent role when it come to the provision of goods and services in society. In addition, capital should be unfettered as far as possible and should be free from state interference. Neo-liberal marketisation ideas have assumed a dominant or hegemonic position in the shaping of state policy in terms of how education, health and welfare are provided for its citizens. It has underpinned the de-regulation (and increased privatisation) of the media. (p.296)

25. Netizens

Citizens who use the possibilities afforded by the Internet (e.g. social media, blogs, etc.) to discuss and debater matters of economic, political and moral importance. Netizens use the Internet as a possible Public Shere to argue, debate and inform. (p.296)

26. Paradigdm
At its simplest, a paradigm is a model or a framework which is used to make sense of phenomena. (p.296)

27. Patriarchy
The control and domination of women by men. Patriarchal ideologies or discorses are one that legitimize the continuation of male dominance in positions of influence and power. (p.296)

28. Postmdern, Postmodernity
A lively debate has ensued in recent years as to whether the era of modernity has come to pass. Postmodernists argue that modernity has been replaced by a postmodern era characterized by cultural and economic globalization; homogenization; increased fragmentation of local identities and media saturation. Proponents of postmodern theory treat the certainties inherent in more traditional sociolical approaches towards undestanding the social world in genral and the media in particular with some scepticism. The postmodern perspectives celebrates what it sees as the fragmented nature of postmodernity. Meida reality has become hyper reality or more real than reality itself. A key criticism of postmodernism is the lack of empirical evidence to support the many arguments which state that have moved on from the ear of modernity. (p.297)

29. Produsers/Procumers
Traditionally, media producers and media audiences (consumers) were placed at opposite ends of the spectrum. With the advent of new media, which affords the possibility of user generated content, some theorists have begun to reconfigure audience as producers and prosumers. (p.297)

6 manolo 2014-04-02 15:48:29 [PC]


31. Public knowledge
The degree to which members of the public are informed about public affairs concerning politica and the economy for exmaple. Concerns have been expressed over the degree to which members of the public are informed by media organizations which are increasingly privatized and which have a greater emphasis on information rather than issues of public concern. (pp.297-298)

32. Public Service Braodcsting/Broadcasters
Traditionally dominant in Western Europe, Public Serive Broadcasting refers to publicly owned media companies engaged in the production and broadcast of radio and television programmes. In the face of increased competition from privately owned (and increasingly transnational) media companies, Public Service Broadcasting orgnizations have re-itertated their public sphere function. (p.298)

33. Public Sphere
A space allowing discourse and debate of political imporance. The public sphere is seen as essential element in the democratization of modern societies and ideally the media should facilitate such a space. The processes of privatization, homogenization, 'dumbing down' and the rise of infotainment all militate against the media providing a public sphere for media audiences. (p.298)

34. Reflexivity
The concept of reflexivity refers to the capacity of social actors for reflection, criticism and self-awareness. (p.299)

35. Representation
This form of media analysis is primarily concenred with how media texts represent (or more accurately re-present) the social world. (p.299)

36. Resistance
The ways in which audience members may reject the preferred or intended readings or meanings in a media text. The term is often used to describe how audience members reject the dominant or hegemonic codes evident within a media text. Audience members are said to be 'reading against the grain' in rejecting or subverting dominant or hegemonic ideology. (p.299)

37. Structure
Constrains that determines or shape human behaviour. In doing media work, for example, media professionals may be constrained by rules imposed by an employer, by the laws governing broadcasting or print journalism and by audience expectations. (p.299)

7 manolo 2014-04-02 16:02:44 [PC]


38. Social Media
Media technologies and tools which allow for the creation of social networks and virtual communities. Social media enables the online sharing of a wide variety of media texts. Developments in social media underlie recent developments in Citizen Journalism (the 'Arab Spring') and the reconfiguraion of some audience members as produces/prosumers. (p.299)

39. Stigmatization
Following the work of sociologist Erving Goffman, stigmatization refers to the processes by which indentities are spoiled. In a media setting, for example, consistently negative media discourses might be seen as contribution to the stigmatization of a group of people (e.g. linking crime with particular ethnic groups) or places (e.g. stressing how particular neighbourhoods are dangerous). (p.299)

40. Texts
The increased concentraion withing media analysis on the agency or creativity of audience members came hand in hand with an emphasis upon seeing media content as texts rather than messages. Implicit in the notion of audience members 'reading' media texts is the process of active, interpretative work in the creation of meaning. (p.300)

41. Transnational
...referes to both media companies or organizations and media texts. Many media texts are increasingly transnational because they are ciculated globally. Transnatinal media conglomerates are media companies that operate in several countries. (p.300)

42. Underserving Poor
The undeserving poor are those catergories of poor or socially excluded who are demonized and who are personally blamed for their poverty and exclusion. They are sometims termed the 'Devil's Poor.' While many poor people have been categorized as underserving over time, there has, in recent yeras been a decided emphasis on disgust reactions to the welfare class or 'chavs'. (p.300)
1 manolo 2014-03-23 13:25:56 [PC]

275 x 183


 その悪玉論が先週、日本で噴き出した。東京にある世界でも大手のビットコイン取引所「Mt. Gox(マウントゴックス)」が突然サービス停止に陥り、約480億円に相当するビットコインが消失して引き出せなくなったのだ。渋谷にあるマウントゴックスの運営元ディバン社には、投資した資金の返還を求める投資家が押し掛けた。(p.34)

2 manolo 2014-03-23 13:28:42 [PC]




3 manolo 2014-03-23 13:30:55 [PC]

1-6. 【マウントゴックスが例外】



4 manolo 2014-03-23 13:32:38 [PC]

 この問題を伝えるメディアも、ビットコインの仕組みを十分理解していない。例えば、大半のメディアがビットコインを「仮想通貨」と表現する点。「バーチャルカレンシー(Virtual currency)」という英語を直訳して使っているようだが、通貨はそもそも実在する富を交換・流通しやすくするため仮想化したもの。1万円札も100ドル紙幣も、そもそも紙切れにすぎないことを考えればよくわかる。つまり「仮想通貨」という言葉を使うと、もともと仮想的な存在をさらに仮想化するという意味不明な説明をしていることになるのだ(本誌では「仮想通貨」という表現は避けている)。(p.35)


1-11. 【通貨として成熟する過程】
